The 'Persuasive Percussion Method' - how to change someone's mind without resorting to logic
I have recently re-discovered an ancient method of changing people's minds, known as the 'Persuasive Percussion' method. This method has been out of vogue with our tolerant, caring society for some time, however I believe that the time to resurrect it has finally come.
'Persuasive Percussion' has been used in this country since the first people occupied it, for example:
"Eh, Mungawoy, I told you not to lose that boomerang, it was my best one!"
Mungawoy "Uh?"
(sound of Nulla - Nulla striking skull)
"Do it again and I'll spear you, understand?"
Mungawoy "Yep, gotcha"
This method has served mankind well in it's history, and in these troubled times it should not be overlooked as a solution to our problems. Take a look at the UN, for example. How much faster would it be to solve the world's problems if, instead of interminable speeches, meetings, etc, the US envoy (Mr Chuck Norris) could just walk up and roundhouse kick the North Korean representative.
After the North Koreans (and others) had lost a few representatives, a sense of self preservation would ensue. And if it didn't, at least it would be fun to watch.
The method does have some drawbacks, being a regrettable expenditure of energy on behalf of the 'Hitter' (aggrieved party), but this is counterbalanced by the chance to finally get through to the 'Hittee' (culprit), and helping them to change their minds.
Mark my words, this could be the new 'Doctrine of Pre-emption'.
Well, I hope so.
Now, if you will excuse me, there is a certain oriental gentleman whose local takeaway gave me food poisoning, and thus is about to be my first test case of the method.
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