Apparently cursory planning approval has been given to build an Open Pool Light Water reactor at Lucas Heights, site of our country's only (small) research reactor.
Naturally every greenie within a 5000km radius will be going up in flames about now, even Senator Bob Brown will have to suspend his expedition to rescue gay whales to put his two bits in.
The usual suspects have already been on the news with the usual 'Oh God! Don't you realise that we could all be killed' rants.
Now, I am not a scientist, however I have read the views of some people who are qualified to speak about the dangers and advantages of another small reactor being built. Mostly, they seem to be for it.
Then we have the rant 'Oh God! Don't you realise that there will be an accident and all of your children will die!'
The current reactor provides radiopharmacuticals, in fact it is our only home grown source.
My nephew, who is nine, has cancer, in remission now thankfully. He benefited from the fact that he could receive chemotherapy, as have thousands of other children.
Thus, to all of the screaming naysayers, get f**ked.
I love the environment, but not more than the life of a child, and I don't believe that life should be held hostage to a belief system (and that is unfortunately what the environmental movement has become).
So, Senator Brown, go back to fellating fur seals or somesuch, and give everyone a break.
Disclaimer: No whales or small children were harmed during the writing of this post, however several fur seals were satisfied. Senator Brown has refused to comment.
(Apparently his mouth was full at the time).
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