The four legged Weapon of Mass Destruction strikes again
Oh, joy of joys, Calisto the wonderdog has brought me yet another example of nature's bounty.
Anyone who would like a half chewed and thoroughly dead possum, please apply.
What ever happened to the law of Natural Selection?
One would think that the possums around here would have learned by now, she is not just 'another big possum', but a warp ten killing machine hell bent on the decimation of the possum populace?
I do admit that she can appear quite fetching to people, however we are larger than the average mammal, (and on occasion, more intelligent), but I cannot bring myself to think that possums are that stupid?
No, I believe there is a darker motive, whereby possums are sacrificing themselves for the good of the group.
Think about it, she is busy chasing possum A, whilst possums B,C,D (hell, all of them) are raiding my vegie garden.
Such selflessness.
We could learn so much from our possum friends.
If the dog only stopped killing small, fast moving things.
Oh lord, when will this cycle of violence stop?
Here is a photo of the beast, please, I beg you, don't let this continue.
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