Swearing at people in Gibberish.
Being naturally gifted in Gibberish, and having to brave the mean streets of Sydney in peak hour, I have come up with a fun way to spend my time whilst idling along the idiot choked freeway.
I have found that, instead of the usual subtle 'f**k you!' which appears to be the norm, you can garner much more attention from swearing at people in Gibberish.
This is much harder than it sounds, as you first have to think in Gibberish to speak it.
Luckily, I am a fluent Gibberish thinker, and hence, speaker.
There is nothing as funny as screaming out the window in incomprehensible Gibber, and eliciting a stunnned 'huh?' look from someone.
Screaming 'markle jusit balfasted!', can indeed, when paired with appropriate hand gestures, be extremely rewarding, as it elicits not only the indignation, but also the confusion of the person being insulted.
I was lead to this discovery after having to catch cabs in Melbourne, and one journey in particular, the Punjabi cab driver could have been saying 'two pieces of flake, minimum chips, oh, and a bizarre sexual act from your mother' in urdu for all the comprehension he recieved.
So, that was my inspiration for studying this most ancient of verbal arts, and I am proud to say that so far, it has indeed been highly successful.
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