Moby is a prat. There can be no argument against his prattiness. Prat.
To quote this f**ktard's website:
"This weekend I went upstate to the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary and spent the night and hung out with cows and goats and chickens and turkeys and sheep and pigs and cats and dogs (and people too, although the weekend was more about quadripeds than bipeds.....although the bipedal creatures were nice too). A farm sanctuary is a place where farm animals go to live out their lives free from the threat of being killed or tortured or made to suffer at the hands of the people."
Ok, d**kwad, I am so happy that you are caring and sharing enough to spend your weekend 'sharing your nights' with all of those animals. I must ask, have you ever considered joining the UN as a peacekeeper? The Jordanians in particular like to spend their nights with goats, but I am sure that you can introduce them to the joys of everything with an orifice?
By the way, Mobes old son (hey, if you've been intimate with animals, you won't mind the nickname, surely?). Listen up, a cow is a steak dinner and a leather jacket waiting to happen, no matter how much personality it has. In the immortal words of 'Bill and Ted', "San Demas Carnivores Rule!".
Oh, and you are a bald, effette wanker of whom all men should be ashamed. You prat.
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